How to use medical marijuana without getting high

Very interesting article about using whole plant material for pain relief  increasing the CBD content to not have the high associated with cannabis.


A whole-plant approach …

But there is a way to still take a whole-plant approach and not feel the psychoactive effects of marijuana. It’s all about using the correct ratio.

Dr. Jahan Marcu, senior scientist with Americans for Safe Access, says a 1:1 ratio, meaning equal parts of THC (the psychoactive component of marijuana) and CBD, gives the benefits of whole-plant cannabis without the high that most people associate with cannabis. In research studies, THC has been found to be particularly beneficial for pain relief, so it’s a key part of the equation.

“You really need the THC in there to get the medicinal benefits of the cannabis,” Marcu said. “CBD has not been found to be very effective by itself. [Using a 1:1 ratio] will probably give you the best chance for a positive therapeutic improvement.”

Dr. Michelle Sexton, a naturopathic doctor, uses CBD oil as a treatment in her San Diego practice. She usually starts patients at an extremely high CBD to THC ratio (18:1) and then increases the THC content as needed for symptom relief.


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